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Properly Roasted.
Shipped fresh every day directly to you.
Best Cold Brew in the World.
Shipped fresh every day directly to you.
Properly Roasted.
Best Cold Brew in the World.
Properly Roasted.
Shipped fresh every day directly to you.
Best Cold Brew in the World.
Country: Colombia
Farm: Inmaculada Finca Las Nubes, Finca Jardines
Elevation: 1800 meters
Varietals: Colombia, Castillo
Milling Process: Natural
Drying Process: Raised beds
Body: Warm/Full
Acidity: Sweet/Medium
Cupping Notes: Caramel, Apple, Red Cherry, and Tangerine
Our Colombian Inmaculada Farallones High is a well balanced, full bodied Colombian coffee that exemplifies the reason that Colombian coffees always command a premium on the world coffee market.
In 2010, the Holguin family, after long years of experience in the agriculture field, decided to embark on their coffee adventure. For more than 80 years they have been involved in sugar cane in the region of Valle del Cauca and Palm oil trees in the region of Nariño for around 30 years.
Only 20 minutes away from Cali, in a small town called Pichinde located in the Andes mountains, they have decided to make use of an untouched forest that had always had in the family farm. The location was perfect to grow coffee; weather, altitude, rainfall etc… They started with 5.12 hectares and today, 9 years later, have around 50 hectares of which 30 are planted and the rest is kept as natural forest.
These 50 hectares are divided into four different farms located in the same region but in different areas thus having different climate conditions (Altitude, humidity, rainfall etc…) Those farms are El Jardin, Las Nubes, Monserrat and Inmaculada Concepcion. In those farms are planted some of the rarest and most special coffees like Rume Sudan, Eugenoides, Laurina, Gesha, Maragesha.